понедельник, 30 января 2012 г.

My regard to Life

 I`m proud of that I' m alive. And it has no value that at times there are any troubles. But such is life. It`s fair, 'cause thanks to life difficulties  we become stronger. My motto is "love life and it will fall in love with you!=))"
So don`t miss the chance to take from life only the good.
If you want to become favourites of fate, you should be optimistically adjusted to life.
Live every second, because such chance won`t be given any more. Take from life everything that will make it full of sense. 
Life is given once.  
We have only one life to live and especially one chance to keep from falling.  Life as it was given, so it can be withdrawn.  Don't mess with such a fragile and sensitive thing as life.          
 So I please you don't forget about it!